Bluetooth MIDI with CME WIDI

I recently had to set up a wireless MIDI link between a laptop and a MIDI-enabled pipe organ. I learnt a few lessons along the way, so this is partly a tutorial, partly some notes on the lessons learned, and partly a mini review of the devices I bought. My use case After a recentContinue reading “Bluetooth MIDI with CME WIDI”

Smartphone apps for film photographers

Just because I love film photography a non-digital workflow doesn’t mean I spurn all digital assistance. Here are my favourite smartphone apps which I use regularly to help with my traditional photographic work. I’ve focused on iPhone apps simply because I have an iPhone. I’m sure many of these (or close equivalents) are available for AndroidContinue reading “Smartphone apps for film photographers”

Asus EeePC 901 and Kingspec SSDs

Recently the 16GB SSD in my EeePC 901 failed. I was surprised how little variety there was in compatible replacement SSDs, and so I bought practically the only option – a Kingspec 16GB SATA SSD. I paid just over £40 for it. I’ve no idea how it performs in comparison with the original Asus SSD,Continue reading “Asus EeePC 901 and Kingspec SSDs”

Review – Samyang 8mm f/3.5 aspherical Fisheye lens

The background For ages I’ve wanted a decent fisheye lens. Back when I was shooting with my Fuji S9600, I bought a filter-thread screw-on fisheye adapter. It was only about £30 and the chromatic aberration was awful, even in the viewfinder. But it opened up a new world of photography to me, and I enjoyedContinue reading “Review – Samyang 8mm f/3.5 aspherical Fisheye lens”


No, not handbags and shoes. I’m talking about accessories for my collection of film cameras. My film cameras date from the late 1920s to the late 1990s, and between them they have a variety of different methods of controlling the focus and metering. Most of them don’t have any automation at all. This is fun,Continue reading “Accessorize!”

How things change

Recently, I would say that photography is my favourite hobby. But it wasn’t always that way. Throughout my childhood, I’ve taken pictures of important occasions on single-use cameras. My parents would always buy me a single-use camera before a family holiday, for example. I wasn’t interested in the camera, though. A few years ago (2005,Continue reading “How things change”